Monday, 30 December 2013

THANKS to you rad humans, 2013 has been the year I have...embraced having bipolar and I have got nothing but big love and kindness in return.

In Feb this year when we launched Onewave I started to open up more about having bipolar. If people asked why we started Onewave, I would tell them how I had been diagnosed with bipolar and how surfing had helped me get through a funk.  I didn’t know what the reaction would be. I didn’t know whether people would freak out or just wouldn’t know what to say.

I have been so lucky that I have had the most amazing humans around me this year – family, friends and strangers. Not only have you made me feel it is ok to have bipolar, but you have inspired me to keep sharing my story. THANK YOU for your rad love and support- you have given me the confidence back to be myself again and that feels effin radJ

Since putting myself out there, I have discovered that there are so many other people, just like you and me, who are impacted by mental illness. We don’t pick mental illness it chooses us and sometimes it is the people you least expect that it hits. Some people are open about it and others choose to hide it from their friends and family because there is still so much social stigma out there. The crazy thing is, we are all trying to find a way to beat it, because it hurts like hell, but it is so damn hard, because we don’t talk about it.

If your lucky you might find the right doctor and pych straight away, but if you are like me you might struggle for months to find the right help. I used to really struggle going to sit in those shit little rooms and talking to a pych, who never really seemed to understand me. I mean it made me feel good for a bit, but then the hour was up and I had to leave and pay $150 and I was left wondering what next?

What did make me feel bloody good was talking to someone who also been affected by mental illness.  I was so lucky to meet a few good humans through Onewave who also have bipolar and always having my Dad to talk to. It was like talking to a long lost brother. Being able to go out for a surf and talk to a mate about how they coped with bipolar was the best therapy for me. Just knowing that I wasn’t the only one and I had other bipolar bears to call up if I needed help was unreal.

I didn’t choose to have bipolar, it chose me but thanks to my rad friends and family 2013 has been the year I have learn’t that it doesn’t matter who you are or what you have, if you embrace it and put yourself out there, you will get a whole lot of love and kindness back.

THANK YOU legends for making this happen:)) If you ever need anyone to talk to about anything, I am here anytime.

Happy New Year y'all...Hope you all have a RAD RAD 2014!!! 


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